Why you should Use a Real Estate Photographer for your listings

I came across a blogpost on ActiveRain.com that did a great job of explaining the benefits of hiring a professional photographer to shoot your listing. I thought it would be a good read for realtors thinking of hiring a professional photographer. Interestedly, there was one statistic in the article really got my attention: 92% of homebuyers use the internet to search for a new home but they will not linger on a photo longer than 20 SECONDS! Which means those photos better grab their attention to keep them looking. Talk about a first impression. So if the main image of your property is not professional, appealing, and intriguing, they will move on. Following are exerts from the blog that may help with your decision to hire a photographer: …With many realtors having access to smartphones with cameras or even their own camera and lenses, it's easy to try to shortcut the professional photographer piece and attempt to take your own photographs. Especially with the trend to po...